Even though Tolkien was hating war and J.K Rowling was a researcher and living a life not even close to war why in their alternative universes ultimate war between good and evil exists?

Baydar, Batuhan Berke (2014) Even though Tolkien was hating war and J.K Rowling was a researcher and living a life not even close to war why in their alternative universes ultimate war between good and evil exists? Other thesis, TED ANKARA KOLEJİ.

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I have always been interested in fantasy literature. Whenever I feel depressed I read universes of heroes, stories of ancient Greeks because this fictions give me chance to step away from my life and look into a different world. This extended essay purposes to reveal why war is an inevitable thing in a fantasy literature fiction. In this extended essay two very different examples of fantasy literature is explained which is J.J.R Tolkien’s mythology of middle earth and J.K Rowling’s series of Harry Potter. Reason of evil, evilness good and conflict between good and evil is analyzed for both alternative universes. In Tolkien’s alternative universe evil and evilness is analyzed by analysis of characters Melkor, who is the main villain in Tolkien mythology, and Feanor the most gifted and hubris of elves. After reason of evil and role of good is explained their relation with theme of war is examined. Reasons of war in Tolkien’s world is explained and why war is an inevitable end is structured very simply. In alternative wizardry world of J.K Rowling evil and evilness is analyzed by using main villain Lord Voldemort. Reasons of evil and what makes a person good in Harry Potter universe is explained. Later the purpose of war them in Harry Potter series explained. In both alternative universes there were similar reasons for evil and they were differences. Those similarity and differences is compared and in conclusion why war is inevitable end within the conflict between good and evil is explained in a detailed way.

Item Type: Thesis (Other)
Additional Information: Supervisor Name: Emine Efecioğlu, IB Notu: D
Uncontrolled Keywords: J.J.R Tolkien, J.K Rowling, Harry Potter, fantasy literature, Lord of the Rings
Subjects: P Language and Literature > PE English
Depositing User: Users 114 not found.
Date Deposited: 10 Sep 2014 06:56
Last Modified: 10 Sep 2014 06:56
URI: http://tedprints.tedankara.k12.tr/id/eprint/468

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